December 27,2007 / 2:00am
Dear honey,
When all I could feel before was excruciating pain, I can’t merely see the bright side of my existence- that my life had lost all semblance of meaning. Here you came out of nowhere! And as my least choice to dwell I used you as my momentary escape from all devastation and manipulation of my pumping organ. I treated you as someone who would bring out an extraordinary joy in my life. To save me from dreary, welling up into ocean of tears and you did not disappoint me. I happened to unveil my story to you then when it was your turn, you were looking out at the uncaring trees telling your sordid “herstory” to the first man you had ever loved. And as I gazed into your melancholic eyes I was circled by your shoulders then fell in love with you. You called me to listen to you but to lend my ears for you was not enough, instead I did the therapeutic way to totally ebb the injury. I may not have the theoretical know-how to detail the pathophysiology of badly breaking our hearts from the dreaded past in the hands of our cheater partners heading to the regimen we’ve been through, but one thing is certain, we both deserved untagged ourselves as “hopeless romantics”. Later on, we came out to realization that LOVE IS NEVER CONSTANT- AND THAT HEARTS ARE OFTENTIMES MORE BROKEN THAN COMPLETE. So, we chose to collect the fragments of our broken hearts, paired it into a perfect one whole. We promised that our relationship was for keeps.
Ron, have you still remember about your say after I have helped you with your computer research that noted this way, “VO SWERTE KAAYO C CINDY NIMU BAH! BRYT NAKA BUOTAN PA. NAA NA JUD SA IMU TANAN”. I was hopeful that my girlfriend would value my presence that way or even just close to your perception. But I was a failure because she still habitually took me for granted and tagged me as “OA” after I revealed my weakness. Thus after successive bouts and petty quarrels I ended up our relationship. I was somehow a fallen angel that time. I wrecked the castles that I have built in the air out of the rawness of my emotions for that juncture. To start new, I adhered to your pact that even we’ve started from scratch; we will achieve an ideal relationship. I am your prince and you are my princess in our fairy tail-like love story living happily ever after, together. It may sound corny but that was for real. Ron, it was you who saved me from torment and blue. You put aside the sword of Damocles over my head. It was definitely you who cheered me wear my beaming smile. It was you who taught me that change was never too late. It was really you a constant source for my comfort. It was you who drove me away from the oblivious world that I was used to be part of, before. Ron, you are so incomparable! Your efforts were beyond compared. Honestly, your sacrifices are unparalleled by my sleepless nights thinking of you so long. My works for you were not that sufficient to equate with your endeavor. Not even for my diminutive surprise for you during our first monthsary celebration in my filthy boarding house where I used to light candles around the vicinity and exploited Lemon’s “malita” as an improvised table, then, clothed it with my OR-DR gown. Next in line was to set a grapefruit juice out of the borrowed wine glass from Paulo’s mom which he lifted out of her mom’s cabinet without consent. . Beside on it were Then the last flower contained an Italian 3 pieces of cheap red roses brought in Bankerohan.silver necklace purchased at Lachmi. Everything was reallycheap! ! An irony to my sincere intention to you. You hugged me so tight with teary eyes noted, then, kissed me so tender. That was extraordinary like your coming into my life.
I want to say I love you not because you made the most delicious “adobong manok” and concluded that you were the best cook during the first monthsary of Pau2 and Mimie. I love you not because you still hold on and battle for our relationship even after your father had slapped your face so hard and hanged you so frail and helpless against his big arms for not informing them that we had a dinner date in DC. I love you not because you were so sturdy when everybody cursed us because it happened that YOUR EX-BOYFRIEND WAS MY BESTFRIEND AND MY FORMER GIRLFRIEND WAS ALSO YOUR BESTFRIEND. Worse than that was the speculation that we cheated them, and then dubbed us scapegoats. But the very reason that I love you was for teaching me how to fly when my wings were badly broken and helped me came up to realize that although life and love are besieged by constant torture, we can still compose and complete ourselves in through our own ways, because life as with everything else, goes on. So we started a new love story.
Your guardian angel,
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