final curtain call:goodbye is never
Seperation is never an easy circumstance in life.It is somehow a point to atest that life is no more joke when every circles of the year that would be added up to your age and the problems and challenges seems more complex than the latter. It takes alot of emotional maturity and more precise and concise p
ercepton and porper application of onced experienced experiences before to the most important thing to deal which is change. They say this is just the only constant in this world, so we must live by this priciple. At first i thought life would be miserrable if i will no longer see her and be part of her. After
the fairytale-like-to-be- lovestory we had whch lasted for more 4 years acceptance to bid goodbye is a hard as chaging my reasons to exist. I was like a lifeles
s art-beautiful yet unpurposive. It took a lot of denia
l and perseverance to fix it out and try to make things better to work out per se. Yet, the main point was that heart when broken into pieces not just once but for more than it could possibly be, it was compared to a frail and fragile broken glass if inteded t
o shape it back nto its earlier form still the broken pieces still a prominent parcel of that whole. So, better rop out feeling when all you could feel is just merely excruciating pain and immesurable worries that bothers you a lot. So, I opted to delayed the sovereignty of emotion and insisted the will to change the ca
sual impotency to be right and justified with my feeings and decisions in life. Thus, I came up as hopelessly romantic and then somebody put me back to the reasons that i need to love and beloved in return with ocen of ters that will be welling up from my eyes. It was reaaly a sort of reality checking
that once inmy life I loved someone whom all of those humanly possible acts to offer a care and concern through deeds without anything in return just to feel her like a princess and be last a servant. I ended up a relationship and tried to collect my self and composure for a change and better life nd love. Here she came as stranger then become somebody that made me free from inevitably feeling the hatred after love. Thanks to RONA for I was then became a precious gift from God..
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