I still remember how my curiosity led me to drink a half-full glass of an iced beer way back 5 years ago...i thought first that the devastated effect of soaking yourself to a lighttype of beverages such as that beer wasas worse as the customary scenario weredrunkard in our neighboorhood wouldestablish-ROLLING DOWN WET FILTHYGROUND WITH THEIR VOMITOUS AND UTTERINGWORDS THAT WOULD SOMEHOW A NOISANCE TO EVERYONE'S EARS...devilsh in short...i cant imagine myself repeating the sameact of that considered for me to beimmoral act of man..yet i was then withthat wrong perception to curse drinkingsuch as means to escape from the worldly apocalypto...im mad at myselfto deprive from weighing the two sidesof the coin of that certain beer whichhad relieved my feeling of emotionallywreck ed right now...i hate to imaginemyself to be so obedient with mygirlfriend not to engage to soak myselfall wet with beer and feel so alone andoutcast when im with my friends just tounwind...HOW I CURSED HER FOR THAT ACTOF SELFISHNESS...I f I only knew earlier that THE BEER I CURSED BEFORE TASTES BETTER THAN MY GIRLFRIEND(that was before then...)
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