Thursday, July 5, 2007

KAPAMILYA NA AKO!...kidding a side...hehehehe

So, I
was armed with the guilt over my ignorance and inspired by my panic as I glimpsed 3 bloody young men lying flat in the stretcher and some other in beds soaked in their fresh blood due to multiple stab wounds. I was apprehensive and pretty nervous to bump into aver unfamiliar scenario. I was even dominated by my fear wholly as I saw an obvious look of an abdominal matter taking a very vivid view outside the abdomen due to the abdominal stab wounds ( I was bothered if what layer it was, it might be the peritoneum…a closer look to the abdominal muscles…it might be a fasciae…or somehow the adipose tissue…)Yet I took a deep breath, packed all my hopes, dreams, and idealism in a strong knapsack of needs, threw it over my shoulder, and get off across the emergency room to begin saving people in my own little way of expertise.
We were just taking a
midnight snack with my close friends ELLA and Paulo in the lobby of Saint John Hospital as we were scheduled to be on NOC shift duty. I offered my junk foods and a cheap “hopia” to them as we were just having a picnic instead of experiencing the routine pressure in the clinical area. We were compared to the insomniac students’ chatters in a boarding house with nothing to do. We even burst into laughter’s and wear our beaming smile. Our casual conversation has been cut shorted by the crying out of….EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY! I jumped out from the wooden bench where I have seated and rushed to the emergency room.

The stink smell of the fresh blood and the open wounds liberated me to use my skill in the emergency room yet it was just a sort of make or break for I was a neophyte in the field of care. I started to overcome my panic and be calm and still for I don’t have any choice. I started to become sincere and relax in assessing the condition of the patients. Though my role in that that situation was just as easy as reciting my full name but at first I was not able to control myself become so disoriented. OS please!!! The ROD exclaimed…But I handled a piece of Cotton Balls…What the hell you are doing!!!I just yelled at myself after being so stupid of handling a cotton balls where supposed to be it must be an OS.I celebrated of not been shouted by the Doctor. I moved closer to a very devastated patient compared from the two victims of gangsters and witness myself so helpless as if I was the him lying down flat in the stretcher crying out for help from his mother. I touched him gently and felt the coldness and clammy skin as if I was holding a piece of snowball in my hand and begun to feel the absence of his pulse . I took his RR and he was so tachycardic and restless. He was looking for his mother. Ma’am wala man xay BP na man!...Exclaimed by my classmate…Kuhui pag usab!...a rapid response by our Clinical Instructor..Ma’am kaupat na jud ni pero wala na jud..IHATAG KANG AGUINALDO KAY MAAYO NA!..I was shocked after hearing a very loud howling of our Clinical Instructor as if a piece of mortar bomb exploded just a meter away from us. I can even feel the rapid flowing of my temporal nerves as they are going to explode anytime. It was because I can’t imagine how our CI took a notion like that where as I was so vulnerable and helpless to manage myself it that occurrence. Yet I stand out and draw out my will and eagerness to help the patient. I took the BP thrice and finally come up with out of earshot to be compared sound of 60/20mmHg…SUCCESS!!!
The crisis and tragedy- like- situation turned out to be a melodramatic teleserye with a mixed of fun and jokes and a comic
relief in a very prestigious TV Station. It was because the mother and relative of the victim rushed inside and cried out for help. They were pretty disoriented trying to pull out the stretcher outside the hospital. They were all screaming and shouting!!!Dal on nato ni sa hospital!(X4……)…A very familiar voice dominated the ER when my classmate competed the alarmed voice of the victim’s mother…Ma’am ayaw biraha kay matangal ang IV ug O2…Ma’am ang O2…Ma’am ang O2…As if I was watching a serious turned rolling to floor of laughters scene in a play…As if kabalo ang mama niya noh ug unsay O2 nga nmatanggal!!!Nagshagitshagit pa kunuhay ko…She was laughing by her own made funny scene..
Here comes t
he TV exposure!!!.
A camera man suddenly entered the room then I was just astonished by the abrupt flashing of light as if I was interrogat
ed in a closed room with a headlight above my head part…tenenenenenenen…Lights! Camera! Action…PAUSE…HEKHEKHEKHEK…My colleague Ralph Bote dashed inside he student’s room and screamed…OIE Magretouch saku…Magretouch saku wait….Here’s the ABS-CBN news team spearheaded by the midnight rover Elric Ayop. Then, I was not able to control my self to smile infront of the camera everytime the light flash and try to focus me. Few minutes later on, out of my conciousness I have witnessed myself crying the patient into the patrol car for a transfer in Davao Medical Center…As was even bursting into laughters when my friend Paulo was not able to manage to go out of the Patrol car and condition his mind to accompany the Patient until DMC..hehehehehehehe…Plus the taken stretcher of Saint John Hospital…..What a joke!

The day after I was so excited to be in front of the ancient television I have in our boarding house and broadcasted the event earlier to my girlfriend CINDY and friend with regards to my exposure.I even force to open my eyes and manage my eyes to stay glued in the TV screen..

SA ULUHANG TUDLING SA ATOANG MGA BALITA, as StePHen Manangan broadcasted…Lalaki niattend lang ug birthday nadunggaban patay!..I was seriously looking at the screen and even trying to push my face in the monitor as the reporter started to reveal the report.I was busy texting my classmates and friends about it and I was in high spirits as I saw myself and classmates inside the moving clips of that news busy carrying the patient inside the patrol car. What an achievement I was!

I was pretty stupid of not saving the patient as I was pricked by my conscience but my effort is more than enough to prove my worth as a student nurse inside the Emergency Room. So I left the clinical area as I drew the scene in my imagination as brought about by my unconscious mind and still trying to move on with situation until now as PROUD SN!SOON TO BE RN!!!hehehe…

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