Monday, July 2, 2007

I only need sorry...

I was nervous wrecked that time when our Ateneo de Davao University graduate teacher broadcasted for a short evaluation of the recent discussion last days. I had managed the tension of climbing up the highest peak of the Oncology building to rush just to arrive at the neck of the time for our first period class- Guidance and Counseling yet can no longer cope the apprehension of not making a good score or worse than that is to fail the quiz. I had a hard time answering the items though it was just eating a piece of pie if only I have prepared myself. Well, regrets are the opposite reaction of the action not the action itself. I can no longer turn back the instance just to sneak with my notes in that particular subject. Choices were of no worth thus I have been dancing with the kind of music played at that moment. No choice!...I ended up the quiz with handful of mind-boggling reaction of getting almost a perfect raw score of 9 out of the 10 items inquired. I was in high spirits! I thought I was in the cloud 9 with my angels tossing me towards the incomparable joy and satisfaction. Partially, I was completely feeling the guilt that somebody was dampen her spirits for not making it well. I was bothered by the fact that she was somehow mad at me (I really don’t know the real score with her sentiment…) for giving her the chance to know my answers during the examination juncture. I pricked myself and ponder things out if I was capable of enlightening her mind for answers of the inquiries given yet as a matter of fact I was not really sure of my answers for insufficient knowledge. There was changing of moods as she was no longer wearing her beaming smile as passing me but still I managed to smile and be still. There were heaps of things that bother me until now for a sudden change of dealing with her. Actually, I was trying to reach for her yet she is the one complicating the situation. If she has a pride to preserve, I have also my possession of rationality and giving justice to myself.

SORRY LANG JUD NYA IYANG GIHULAT NAKU DIONG, as disclosed by Ella. But I think again to contemplate if I really need to utter the phrase SORRY NA HUH… As I weighed the two sides of the coin and still found out that I was the victim of the unpleasant incident. And victims do not apologize, right? They demand for it!!! I don’t demand for SORRY but I opted to give RESPECT for me as an existing individual with sense and with worth.
Still I’m not closing my door for her,for I treasured her as a good friend.

1 comment:

TRAMZ said...

hoy! ivo! ang leveling!!!! hahahaha!! regards daw! ella! tsktsktsk!