Men are treated to be physically powerful and capable looking in every aspect of life. They are of potential to carry out things either of great or least value in the eyes of majority. The bread winner… a shelter of his family against fears and inconsistency in life…able to provide security to his friends…and very passionate in letting a girlfriend feels the love and affection…Seemed every thing in him has been admired and loved. To make short he has with high regard and respect in the society. Men are mainly the stream of life. Yet, every aspect in Adam’s possession has been scrutinized and evaluated. They are not of exemption in the eyes of the critics. So far men are tagged to be the “silent evils” as what Eves now are trying to associate with them. They just do the silent progress of fooling out women. They are fun of doing that as girls incessantly insisting. Neither now Adam has always been the constitution to devilish. Fervently associated to be the “heart breakers”, “manloloko”, “babaero”, and constituted to the heck word “LIE” and the like. Polygamous…It’s not new to me. As men are always be an epitome of the bad connotations. Cheating his faithful partner! To cheat!!! To cheat!!! And cheat even more!!! As to listen that one is no joke or feeling a sense of pride and pleasure. I would rather compare men to be a lifeless art- beautiful and cold. We are not insensitive!
Men are of his potentialities and will stand out yet hindered by the endless stereotyping of the groups of women. Thus, to compensate the talks and bad connotations I just consider myself as part of the ruined gender and supposed Eves words as not real, they were just pieces of sound with no meaning. I protested every time somebody would see man like that way. We still feel and even sensitive as of women do. We are just too sturdy to hide the feeling of uneasiness for soon we will be tagged as weak and fragile. We feel pain! But men just hide the agony and excruciating ache inside. But it does not mean that we're not real or we are wearing various facades nor liars and evil. We are just to care for our legacy as strong and brave creations. Men are also human beings- able to sense aches and stings as women do- we have flimsy pumping organ the heart with its capabilities. We also welled up with tears but we are just making it in a noble way as we are supposed to. It’s an apocalypse for us men to hear and feel those of discrimination and mockery. Yet I am telling you like that right now for I am pained and wrecked by an Eve. A very extraordinary Eve…
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