Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Trick and Threats



To weep with no tears is harder enough

Yet it is trickier when you are weeping but no signs of warm rolling waters falling

To crust your own vital heart remains unsettled

Like freezing and barren lonely tree in an open meadow field with falling snowballs

Or an overheated cactus under the scorching wilderness

Badly dried…easily ruined…totally feeling the emptiness and aloofness

Deserted inside….Broken superficially!

To strike an arrow from his own bow

Bull’s eye!!!

With nobody to share the pain

Betrayed by someone with her sweetest vow

With facades to hide the poison and toxins

Your sunrise compared to her care no longer flourishes

That she had gone yet still you are here!

Barren….Broken…Still stupid as usual…

To deny the excruciating pain yet pretty suffering…

To love and hanged himself to deadliest death.

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