be sensitive...
use your eyes to see what is real not the superficial aspect of once existence..
use your heart to feel stings and aches and be reasonable for yourself-value your existence and give worth to every unexpressed feelings of distress and desperation...don't be too good to deprive yourself with joy just to make somebody stay in your life yet it ruins your whole life,,,let her take an exit if she is worth letting for and to be tamed..
be rational by using a sense of respect and worth with yourself...let go of the relationship that made you desperately anxious and paranoid. be human again-capable of being with his picky mind to be right and justifiably believing his potentialities and abilities,,
Wake yourself up from deep sleep of nightmare,,,
Be a gentleman yet not an abusive type of being a man- to deprive your own liberty and joy just to be with somebody not deserving to be with you, to share your happiness, feel the warmth of your sincere caress, to be secure in your melting yet protective arms…
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